About us

About MedInsight

MedInsight.online is a boutique research & advisory platform providing actionable business intelligence and decision-engine research & advisory solution in healthcare sectors, including but not limited to medical (hospital and clinics) services, pharmaceutical manufacturing, bio-sciences industries from perspectives of international multilateral organizations, China and overseas countries’ government authorities, public health policy-makers & regulators, public and private hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies,Bio-Science and Pharmaceutical start-ups; as well as Venture Capitals and Private Equities, Legal Agencies, Investment Banks, Asset Managers who advise and/or invest in Healthcare sectors.

MedInsight Solutions

MedIS Governance Solutions

MedIS Business Solutions

MedIS Finance Solutions

MedIS R&D Portfolio Solution

MedIS ICT Solutions

MedInsight Team & Expert Network

MedInsight.online‘s Core Team has been convening Healthcare Sector Practitioners, Academia & ThinkTank Strategists, Portfolio Managers and Business Consultants, with diversified backgrounds from Health System Governance Architect, Policy, Health Economics, Pharma R&D Portfolio Management, Business, Finance, Legal, Compliance & IPR, as well as Healthcare ICT technology backgrounds, who learn from one another’s perspectives to structure dimensional actionable insights and feasible advisory solutions in healthcare sectors.

For general inquiries, please contact us at :  info@medinsight.online


All Rights Reserved. MedInsight @2023

MedInsight is Healthcare Strategic Business Consultancy, does not directly provide Healthcare System “Critical Information Infrastructure Services” , neither does MedInsight directly offer following Healthcare Services to Public Individuals as major revenue streams at current stages, which may concern Local or Global Cyber Security Review & Supervision, including: 

  • Hospitals & Clinics Operating Services 
  • Diseases Control & Prevention Services
  • Emergent Care Services 

MedInsight Advisors

The information, data, analyses, independent research and advisory solutions of MedInsight (“Information”) contained herein on MedInsight.online(Pilot Website) : (1) include the proprietary information and solutions/product/services of MedInsight , clarified, specified and disclosed only under legally compulsory situation or at MedInsight Founding Team’s discretion; (2) may not be copied or redistributed except authorized by and with written consent of MedInsight for specified purposes; (3) do not constitute investment advice to public individual investors, or solicitation for investment trading commissions from institutional investors; (4) The Information provided by MedInsight shall not be abused by any parties for short trading of securities ; (5) are provided solely for informational, illustrative, research, advisory purposes; and (6) are not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely.

Any Individuals ( Anyone/Everyone) or Institutional Public & Private Entities authorized by MedInsight to have access to MedInsight.online (Pilot Site) Solution, Product, Services ( Information) either through Site, Stakeholder Account or Business Email/Telephone Communications, Third-party DataBase, Internet & Cloud Service Account, or any other illegal, unauthorized, unethical, inhumane espionage ways out of Local, Global, United Nation’Laws; agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless MedInsight and its Founding, Core & Management Team, officers, directors, employees, agents, and third party service providers from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, losses, liabilities and damages of every kind and nature (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) imposed upon or incurred by MedInsight’s Founder/Co-Founders, Core Management Team based on Incorporation/ByLaws directly or indirectly arising from (i) their use of and access to MedInsight’s Stakeholder Account or the Solution/Products/Services found at this Site, and/or through Telephone/Email/Third-party DataBase, Internet & Cloud Service Account Information; (ii) their violation of any provision of MedInsight’s Founding Member Agreement, Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreements , Partnership Agreements, Professional Service Contracts, Stock Purchase & Investment Agreement, License Agreement, etc.; and/or (iii) their violation of any third-party rights, including without limitation any intellectual property or other proprietary right. The indemnification obligations under this section shall survive any termination or expiration of Any Written Agreements/Consents among MedInsight’s Founding, Core & Management Team, Global Crucial Stakeholders Clearly Identified with Written Consensus by Founding Team, or their use of this Site or the Solutions/Products/Services ( Information) found at this Site.

MedInsight, is currently privately held, and still in early development stage, does not have assured, definite, concrete business plan to launch or gain major revenue streams in any politically unstable, corrupted, militarily or medically illegal or inhumane, or economically risky countries or nations that Founding Team or even Family Members’ Lives, Freedom, Human Rights, Identity, Mental & Physical Health, Residence & Property Rights, Security, Privacy and/or Legal Business & Assets are forced to face or suffer from deprival, damage or severe loss risks.

Regarding Potential Cyber Security Review:

(The Cyber Security Review for “Critical Information Infrastructure Services” Providers last up to 45-60 days usually, as Precautionary Inspection, if any of MedInsight Pilot Website Services or Consulting Project Flow is suspended, investigated, or negatively influenced by “Cyber Security Inspection” or other Investigation initiated by Government Agencies locally or globally, with at least 60 day prior written notification to MedInsight Founding Team at: stakeholder@medinsight.online; We would certainly keep our Global Crucial Stakeholders updated and informed, enclosed with alternative project communication methods for 60-day temporary transition period, in face of such unexpected business risks.)